
suffered from severe tinnitus What could be done for him today

Vincent Van Gogh was born on 1863 in Groot-Zundert, Holland. He studied art in Belgium. In Antwerp he discovered the paintings of Rubens and Japanese art. He was impressed by Gauguin, Pissaro and Monet. His "Brushstrokes" remained the main feature of his style as a painter.

On 1888 he was admitted to Asylum (Psychiatric institution of those days) in Saint Remy after he cut part of his external ear. Two years later he was discharged, and looked better. Two months after his discharge he committed suicide. He shot himself in his chest and his brother Theo heard him saying: "This sadness will last forever".

After he died, he became very famous and was considered a genius. A lot of controversy was associated with his tragic mental illness. Accumulation of knowledge about tinnitus indicates that there is common denominator between his symptoms and the symptoms of the "Typical tinnitus sufferer".

His decision to cut his ear was not a result of psychotic thought. It was an attempt to treat his unilateral tinnitus by cutting the ear.

In the website of Dr. Z. Shemesh there is a brief definition of tinnitus: A sensation of sound that is related to the ears, head or the ears and the head, without any external sound stimulation. The sound of Tinnitus has no verbal meaning and can be "Objective" or "Subjective".

The hypothesis of Dr. Shemesh, a famous tinnitus therapist from Israel, is that the decision of Vincent Van Gogh to cut his ear was not a result of psychotic thought. It was an attempt to treat his unilateral tinnitus by cutting the ear.

After prolonged admission in Asylum he experienced improvement in his mood and was discharged, but the tinnitus was not affected by the psychological treatment there or the surgical act that the patient performed by himself.

His despair wow gold pushed him to his fatal suicidal act.

Is it common that a tinnitus patient have high suicidal risk?

Dr. Shemesh says tinnitus is a medical condition with various degrees of severity. The sufferers with mild to buy wow weapons moderate tinnitus usually do not seek medical help, and classified as "non help seekers". Those who are severely affected by the tinnitus have also reactive symptoms to the basic disease, such as: insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, pessimism, inability to enjoy pleasurable activity of life, low productivity at work and low interest in social life.

Depression and suicidal thoughts are common in the severe form of the disease. Most probably the great artist Vincent Van Gogh suffered from severe tinnitus.

Dr. Shemesh, do you think that a severely affected tinnitus sufferer should be desperate even today?

Despair is associated with loss of hope for cure, says Dr. Shemesh. In most of the tinnitus sufferers there is a spontaneous cure. In young soldiers who came to the out patient clinic of the Israeli army we observed complete recovery in 85% of them during the first 6 months of their tinnitus. I do not have accurate statistics for other populations, but it seems that it is similar to the population of soldiers.

Some of the patients do wow gold not have such favorable statistics, and I consider it as a failure of their curative mechanisms.

Do you think that wow gold it is possible to decrease the level of tinnitus in the sufferers?

Today, there are few ways to achieve some relieve and improvement in the quality of life of the patient, even if he is not completely cured. Hypnosis, bio-feedback, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) and Various psychotropic medications, can help.

Is it buy wow weapons possible to cure chronic sufferers?

The aim of the primary research in 1981, was to help chronic tinnitus patients. The beginning of the clinical research was in "Hadassah Hospital", and continued in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) from 1986. Every sufferer who was found abler to study how to do self hypnosis, was included in the research group.

The project was a co production between "Hadassah Hospital", "Hebrew University Medical School" and the IDF. Many Israeli soldiers who suffered from military noise exposure, were treated. All of them were chronic tinnitus sufferers.
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1 条评论:

  1. Dr. Shemesh, Tinnitus Clinic in Israel / Sharing a Factual Experience:

    On a personal note / Why I went to Israel:

    I had managed for the most part my onset of severe chronic Tinnitus for two and a half years. What I actually mean is that I spent half of my time in a “living hell” with emotional insanity. The other half of time, I used every management approach that I researched. I spent a year in a medical library with a medical dictionary to study one of the most complex human conditions.

    I spent thousands of dollars on trying different medical modalities seeking a cure. Yes, I was seeking or should I say, “dreaming” of a medical cure when I knew from my research and study of medical text that Tinnitus at this point of time “has no cure.”

    My (T) had moved into a series of multiple symptoms, which simply put over-took my ability to emotionally keep things in mental order [high frequencies & louder db]. (T) is a medical condition, which has a physiological explanation. The challenge is 90% psychological – how does one perceive the unusual brain noises and how does one react – is your limbic nervous system holding up or is it collapsing into feelings of despair and panic mode.

    If one selects and uses, after much trial & error, a course of (T) management tools, they will be able to rejoin their life as it was before.
    [TRT, Sound Therapies, Medications - careful selection, Meditation, Hypnosis, and the list goes on – yes just about everything involved with (T) is expensive]

    OK – I went to Israel as a last resort during a period in which I was emotionally way out of control because my (T) imploded. I went to Israel chasing false hope of a “curative process” – no such thing exists in this universe.

    I became another victim of a man (Mr. Shemesh) who takes emotional and financial advantage of people who suffer from chronic disabling Tinnitus. “A salesperson from the old west that sells curative tonics in a bottle and counts his money in private.”

    The error and mistake of going to Israel is on my lap - no one forced me - I just broke down emotionally and lost all sense of logic and the incapacity to accept the scientific / medical fact “there is no cure for (T). What there is – is a process of putting together a management protocol with selective tools to keep (T) harnessed and to live your life.

    I wasted thousands upon thousands of dollars going to Israel to see (Dr.) Shemesh in chase of a non-existent cure. The two-year use of his oral medical capsules has not benefited me neither has it benefited any of the five other (T) sufferers I met in Israel.

    I have attempted to be objective in my writing with a concern for being honest and not being regretful or revengeful.

    However, I will make a subjective comment for closing.

    From my personal observations and in rehashing all of my conversations (many questions of a medical nature) with Mr. Shemesh, I will conclude - I believe this man is beyond the capacity to see truth in science, truth in medical research & literature, and has lost the ability to question his own sense of “moral and ethical behavior.” Yes, he has made lots of money charging (T) patients $3,500.00 each and additionally he has created monthly income from the selling of expensive-overly priced supplemental / herbal capsules.

    A final comment:

    I knew Mr. Tim Donahue; we spoke several times on the telephone. His videotaping is Mr. Shemesh’s premiere marketing tool. Mr. Donahue committed suicide after suffering from Tinnitus for many years.
    I honestly believe if Tim had received TRT and personal psychological counsel with a support group that he would not have taken his life. He was a talented musician who enjoyed performing for live audiences.

    I cannot believe that Tim Donahue’s video presentation has not been removed from Mr. Shemesh’s website and from Google videos..!
