
Story wow items of Medusa in Greek mythology

The stories of Medusa are often contradictory. Was she a victim or a wow gold villain? Was she always ugly or once beautiful? How did someone with the body of a dragon and a head of snakes become known as "thy guardian or protectress"? Just what was her role in the early Greek myths?

The name Medusa first appears in early religious history, when goddesses represented birth and earth. It was a time before the advent of male gods. There are references to a wow gold Medusa among the Libyan Amazons. She was known then as the "serpent goddess". Those who study Greek mythology believe the goddess was transplanted into the Greek tales at a later date. All tales seem to agree that she was a gorgon - a terrible monster. Some stories say she was born that way, the only mortal of three gorgon sisters born to Echidne, a half-woman, half-snake and Typhon, the worst monster in the world. Another story states she was a beautiful woman born to two earth people named Phorcys and Ceto.

The story of Medusa as a world renowned beauty says she offended Athena, the beautiful goddess. One myth says Medusa buy wow weapons lived in the far north and had never seen the sun. She asked permission of Athena to come south. When Athena denied her request, she angrily accused Athena of being jealous of her (Medusa's) beauty. Enraged, Athena not only removed her beauty, but even worse, made her so ugly people, especially men, turned to stone just looking at her.

A different story also reports Medusa's beauty was so stunning that many men courted her, but she became a priestess in Athena's temple. Her golden hair buy wow weapons and her beauty attracted the lustful eyes of the sea god, Poseidon. They coupled in Athena's temple, a terrible violation of a sacred place. Stories differ as to whether he raped Medusa or she enticed him first. Either way, she got pregnant. When Athena learned what had happened she flew into a rage and cursed Medusa with snakes for hair, a body of a dragon and a face that turned those who looked at her to stone.

Eventually, a Greek hero named Perseus promised to kill her. He borrowed (some stories say he stole) Hermes' winged sandals and Hades' cap of invisibility. He carried a powerful scythe and a mirrored shield. His speed and invisibility allowed him to get close to her. He used the mirror to "see" her without becoming a stone and beheaded her. Again, different versions tell that Athena assisted him.
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