
How to Know if You are Pregnant

Look for symptoms of pregnancy. The most common symptom of pregnancy is a missed period, but not all women stop bleeding when they conceive. In fact, some women bleed throughout their pregnancy and do not know they've conceived until late in their pregnancy. Many family planning clinics offer free confidential urine tests that you can take if you're concerned. You can take a test from the day your period is due, and a test from a pharmacy is as accurate as a test from the doctor. Taking more than one test means you're less likely to get a false positive; hormones also fluctuate throughout the day. Your most reliable time is the first pee of the day. Blood tests are the most accurate though.

Home pregnancy test kits generally involve the woman peeing on buy wow weapons a pen-like device containing a test strip. Each manufacturer of the device uses a different system of symbol and color to indicate whether the test result is positive or negative.

Read carefully in the directions for the home pregnancy test as to what the test looks like buy wow weapons if it is positive versus negative. A "positive" test result means you're probably pregnant, or a "negative" result means you're probably not pregnant. The reliability level claimed by manufacturers of home test kits ranges, with some manufacturers making tests that work earlier in pregnancy by detecting smaller amounts of pregnancy hormone.

If you get a negative result from the in-home test, use a second wow gold tester in several days or a week, when the pregnancy hormone levels are a little higher and the test more likely to show the pregnancy. Or go to a physician if you want a quicker and more definite answer.

The tests are not perfect. Tests can miss finding a pregnancy if there are certain types of problems in the pregnancy. These tests wow gold have to be administered by a laboratory or physician. The test is for a hormone present when a woman has conceived a pregnancy, hCG, which is human chorionic gonadotropin. Do you suddenly feel "ripe?" Many women feel kind of thick and juicy, like a ripe peach. Some feel calm and safe, as if they have achieved something. This is a very subtle feeling, which may make more sense with hindsight.

How are your breasts? Tender or swollen breasts are another frequent sign of pregnancy. Although women's breasts become tender and sore during their menstrual cycle, there will probably be a difference to your usual symptoms; perhaps more swelling, or very tender nipples. A tingling sensation that accompanies the swelling is not common with menstruation.
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