
Rules to invest by wow gold Bh

Rules to invest by1. If you can afford it, own your own home. It is the only investment exempt from capital gains tax and can provide a solid base from which to spring other options. It's one of the few investments which can add to quality of life.2. Pay off debt. Any spare cash should be used to pay off creditors rather than invest elsewhere. After all, there is no use in earning 5 or 6 per cent interest on your investment when your credit card provider is charging 18 per cent interest on an outstanding balance.3. Don't invest until you have adequate insurance wow gold. Ensure adequate cover for life and disability, plus on your house and car. How much cover will depend on your circumstances.4. Depending on your age and investment time horizon, it is important to take measured risk through growth-oriented assets. This may sound dangerous but without a degree of risk there is no return. Do your homework and get good advice from a stockbroker or financial planner.5. When receiving advice, consider the source of information. This is important because advice can be coloured by an individual's personal preferences and ownership. Stockbrokers will recommend the share market and fund managers will lean towards managed funds. Find an independent adviser. Even then, get a second or third opinion wow po.6. Try to invest 15 per cent of your after-tax income. This is not as easy as it sounds but is worth striving for. If you don't set yourself a savings goal you may never get ahead. One of the crucial keys to wealth building is having the discipline to invest on a regular basis.7. Keep three months' income in an at-call savings account. If too much money is tied up in longer term investments, you might have to sell assets at the wrong time to meet surprise short-term costs.8. Keep another six months' income in a secure fixed-term account. This is for the same reason as above but you will receive better interest on the money and provide an even steadier base.9. Diversify your holdings. This could very well be buy wow gold the golden rule of investing but is particularly relevant to the stock market. A broad exposure to a range of investment possibilities should allow you to weather any falls. 10. Buy when stocks are undervalued. Hopefully wow gold, this wow gold means the only way is up. A tip for knowing when to buy: examine the price to earnings ratio. Talk to your planner or broker first. 11. Take a profit. The stock market is a proven performer over long periods of time but short-term it can be volatile.12. Tread lightly around gold, silver and collectables. These are fine as a small part of your overall investment portfolio. Gold and silver are running at the moment as an inflation hedge and collectables are nice to look at but their value is often subjective and very changeable.13. Tax shelters should be considered as investments first and a tax planning vehicle second. Keep away from bizarre tax schemes.14. Use borrowed money sparingly. Maybe you can maximise your capital gains, but on the flipside, losses will hit hard. Many Australians get carried away with borrowing to invest purely for the negative gearing tax benefits rather than thinking whether it's a worthwhile investment to start with.15. When investing in managed funds look for consistent returns. Often they can have a good year and the results look astounding, but dig deeper. The fund may be top-heavy in volatile investments, so while one year may be buoyant, the next could fall through the floor. Examine the track record for at least five to 10 years to make sure the good year's results weren't a fluke.16. If government or corporate bonds are your preference, buy only high quality. Bond issues from a shaky organisation may have high yields, but come with higher risk.17. Steer clear of short selling, options trading and commodities speculation. These really are for the experts. You not only need to know what's going up and what's coming down (hard enough) but you need to know when.18. Don't ignore super. It's not only saving for retirement, but the Government is trying to make it tax-effective.Andrew of wow gold kopen sydney Posted at 10:27 AM November 15, 2010 Kochie, point number 10 is overly simplistic. The PE ratio does not wow gold ideal tell you if a stock is cheap or not but just simply compares the earnings to the price. There are many cases where companies would have looked attractive based on PE ratios before they collapsed. Best thing is, ignore ratios like PE, do some serious research into understanding and valuing companies (reading books on Buffet is a good start)and only once you understand this, set foot in the share market and ignore every business that is not a quality business regardless of the sharemarket noise. Look for companies with high returns on equity and little to no debt.
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